Phone : 902-275-3933 

Family of five taking a selfie, they are smiling.

Take part in our Grand Re-opening!


After three long years, we are nearing the date when we can officially Welcome Home people to the NEW Chester Playhouse.

We are inviting you to celebrate with us, by participating in a very special video project. This is open to all; if you have been in the audience, performed on the stage, or are simply a fan of live entertainment, we would love for you to take part!


We’re compiling short video segments of our friends, fans, and patrons, all saying “Welcome Home”.  Your special message will be compiled into a larger video, and shared as part of our ongoing celebrations, centered around the August 26th Re-opening weekend, and beyond!

Very simply: Record a brief video of you saying “Welcome Home”.  You can do so on your smartphone or another device. You don’t have to embellish – these will be part of a larger project, so “short and sweet” is ideal!

You can include as many people in your video as you wish – the more the merrier! You can also get creative with your location, or costume, but simple is great too!

Please include your name!  If possible, please change the name of the video file so that it includes the name of all who appear in the video. If sending by email, please include the names in the email. You could also speak your name (please spell it, if it’s often misspelled) in the video before you say your “Welcome Home”.  Videos submitted without a name may not be used.


  1. Upload your video file to our DropBox 


  1. Send your video via email to


Need some help making your video? Stop by the Playhouse Office at 5 Pleasant St. on Saturday, July 22nd, between 1-3 PM and we will film the video for you!

Thank you for taking part in this project! We hope you’ll have fun, and join us as we celebrate the return of your rebuilt Chester Playhouse!

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