a strong and sustainable chester playhouse

The Sir Christopher Ondaatje Theatre Foundation
The Foundation was established as a registered charity in 2010 to benefit the Chester Playhouse and has assets (2023) of $ $1,166,932. These funds are administered by an independent Board of Trustees with the support of professional money managers and accountants.
Sir Christopher Ondaatje, for whom the Foundation is named, is a seasonal resident and a generous and thoughtful benefactor to the Chester community. In the late 1980’s he purchased the original Playhouse building and donated it to the newly established Chester Theatre Council Society. He also provided substantial donations to renovations over the years, most recently to the rebuilding of the Playhouse. He has quietly supported the Foundation with large gifts that have in turn attracted matching funds from the Canadian Cultural Investment Fund Endowment Incentives program.
The Board of Trustees members are members of the Chester community with appropriate governance and risk management skills. As of May, 2024 the board membership includes:
Robin Gilbert (Chair)
Robin Carling (Secretary)
Jeff Somerville (Treasurer)
Liz Crocker
Susan Crocker
Paul Dyer
Sara Filbee
James Fotheringham
Sue Patillo
Ross Norman
invest in the future
Gifts to the Foundation are investments in the long-term sustainability and positive impact of the Chester Playhouse. As an anchor of community life, a pathway to connect people with arts and culture and a driver of the Chester hospitality economy, we all benefit from a strong Chester Playhouse. So how do we protect this wonderful asset for future generations?
The Chester Playhouse depends on five important sources of income in order to carry on operations: revenue from the sale of tickets, operating or project grants from all three levels of government, sponsorship contributions from businesses, donations from individuals and grants from foundations. Aggregate donations received directly from individuals are the largest and most important source of stable funding. The Foundation is an important supplement to this giving, with a portion of earnings on its invested assets providing a meaningful annual grant to the Playhouse.
Importantly, new donations to the foundation are eligible for a matching grant of up to 85% on average, from the Canadian Cultural Investment Fund, offering tremendous leverage to donors seeking to impact the Playhouse over the long term.
Our aspiration is to significantly grow the Foundation to ensure long-term financial stability while weathering economic cycles.
ways to give
- Current Gifts:
The Foundation accepts donations at any time from individuals in the form of cash (cheques or credit card payment) or through donations at any time of securities. All donations are provided with a CRA Tax receipt. To make a current gift to the Foundation, email foundation@chesterplayhouse.ca with the subject “Foundation Inquiry”. A Foundation representative will follow up with appropriate information, forms and instructions.
- Planned Gifts and Encore Society:
Bequests offer Playhouse supporters with a pathway to ensure a strong and stable future for the Chester Playhouse.The Encore Society includes individuals who have designated the Chester Playhouse as a beneficiary of their estate, and have taken the step of advising the Foundation of their intention to make a bequest. With permission, Encore names will be included in our Encore Society list, signaling support of the mission of the Foundation, and by extension the Chester Playhouse. This leadership is greatly appreciated.
To become involved with the Foundation as a current donor or as an Encore Society member, please email foundation@chesterplayhouse.ca with the subject “Foundation Inquiry”. A Foundation representative will follow up with appropriate information, forms and instructions.